Kyoto Styudy

For those considering study abroad in Kyoto For international students in Kyoto


You Can Become a Professional Cook in Kyoto!

What are the requirements for international students looking to apply?

At Kyoto Culinary Art College, not only Japanese, but international students also study. Students from Indonesia, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and other countries and regions. Students’ Japanese language ability must be N2, or they must have a score of 200 or higher on the EJU’s Japanese section. They must have a foreign nationality, and have completed or plan on completing a 12-year education before entering.


The open campus

Even before stepping foot in the school, students cheerfully greeted us outside, and when we entered, we were welcomed by staff, students, and teachers. From there we were guided to their largest class room named Hospitality Hall, where a few students introduced themselves, and we were introduced to the school and many things the school offers using the pamphlets we were given.

Next, we experienced cooking three different dishes, a Japanese dish, a French dish, and an Italian dish. The teachers explained to us what we would be cooking, the ingredients, and techniques that we were to use. I was able to learn much from this time. When our dished were complete, we got to eat our own dish, which everyone seemed to enjoy.


Interviewing a student

After the open campus was over, we were able to take time and speak to a student. Rina became a second-year student this spring, and she is in the Japanese Cuisine course. When inquiring about the school, Rina told us that there are many different teachers, and that many teachers are friendly and close with the students. Other than that, she talked about how there is a lot of practical training, and she also mentions how students can work towards many qualifications. Rina was able to achieve one of her goals by receiving a pufferfish processing license. This is quite impressive!



I enjoyed participating in the open campus, learning about Kyoto Culinary Art College, and getting to speak with a student. While experiencing cooking, the teachers were very outgoing in talking to us, and they showed interest in our backgrounds as foreigners, and even accommodated with hospitality for those of us who had dietary restrictions for religious purposes. We were able to experience great hospitality!

You too can come learn to cook in Kyoto!

Kyoto Culinary Art College Homepage:

Kyoto Culinary Art College Homepage(for International Students):


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