ZHOU JUE シュウ カク 周珏 (From 中国・江蘇省)

Kyoto’s not all tea and wagashi
Kyoto Computer Gakuin
Nikolina Haggård Grann (From Sweden)

All the elements that compose Kyoto make it the most appealing city for me
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Charoenkijkajorn Possanunt (From Thailand)

金 隨珉(キム スミン) (From 韓国)

Through study abroad, I gained an experience I’ll treasure for the rest of my life
Doshisha University – The Institute of the Liberal Arts
Julia Mae Tetsukawa (From America)

My dream is to become a global citizen, and studying in Kyoto has provided a solid background to make my vision come true.
Doshisha University
Ngo Phuong Anh (From Vietnam)

Whatever it is you’re searching for, you can find it in Kyoto.
Kyoto University
Matthew T. Kamiyama (From USA)

There is something to learn everywhere you go and from everyone you meet.
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Nguyen Ngoc My (From Viet Nam)

You can always learn something new from Kyoto every day
Kyoto Pastry and Bakery Art College
Dorian MAUREL (From France)

I want to apply the Japanese study system in my home country
Kyoto University
Dianti Farhana Kamasela (From Indonesia)

I want to pursue a career which I can help deepening the communication between China and Japan
Kyoto University

My post-graduation dream is to keep shooting films.
Kyoto University of the Arts
Wen Shaojie (From China)

I hope that in the future I play a role as a bridge of friendship between Japan and China in both work and daily life.
Doshisha University
Zheng Yixie (From China)