If you’re passionate about Japan, Kyoto is the best place to start your journey.
Ritsumeikan University
Camreon Bogan (From USA)
* Wawancara tahun 2014

What is attractive about studying in Kyoto?
Kyoto is an absolutely wonderful city, full of amazing opportunities. It’s the perfect blend between traditional and modern, and I don’t think it’s possible to get bored here.
How has your impression of Kyoto changed since coming here?
I think when people think of Kyoto, they are perhaps a little apprehensive because they know Tokyo, and Tokyo has the lights and the glam and the entertainment aspect and they don’t expect to find that here. Like I suppose they suspect it might be a little bit more rural and perhaps even boring. Once you see the sites, it’s all over, right? No. Kyoto is just as exciting in different ways. I think anyone who comes here will love it and couldn’t possibly regret their decision.
Message to students in your home country thinking about studying abroad.
Kyoto is a vibrant, multifaceted international city with a number of exciting opportunities. If you are passionate about Japan, there’s no better place to start your journey.