
~キャリア形成のための日本語講座, July 9th 2022~
*English follows


文化の違(ちが)いが生み出した、社員同士の摩擦(まさつ)のお話をもとに、グループ内で意見交換(いけん こうかん)をしたところ、「責任(せきにん)は誰が取るのだろうか」「上司に報告(ほうこく)をする習慣(しゅうかん)がないのだろうか」など、多くの疑問(ぎもん)が生まれ、自分であればどうしていたかを述(の)べました。


Hello, last month in July 9th, we had our last episode of “Japanese classes for career development”. We had the pleasure to have two amazing guests from representative companies in Kyoto – Ms. Platt from Kyocera Corporation (https://www.kyocera.co.jp/) and Mr. Jin from Gekkeikan (https://www.gekkeikan.co.jp/english/). As former (international) exchange students, they shared few episodes involving the Japanese business ecosystem including communication tips. We learned the importance of understanding the culture of the country and the company itself, and to not be afraid to ask questions. Our main topic was the “Ho Ren So (Report, Communicate, Consult)” business mantra, which was clearly explained to us through a case study.

We exchanged opinions within the group based on a story showcasing an episode of internal friction between employees caused by cultural differences: Some of the questions that came up were: “Who would take responsibility?” “Perhaps there is no habit of reporting to the superiors” and we hypothesized what we would have done.

I think these sessions served as a meaningful lesson for the international students who will soon start working in Japan.

★KTA Report by Kaori, KTA Student Support Staff★
