【Report:12/7開催】KTA「日本語で話そう(Chat in Japanese)年賀状ワークショップ」を開催しました!

☆「日本語で話そう!」/Chat in Japanese☆
*English follows


12月7日は 日本語で話そうでした!

今回は約1年半ぶりに 対面で行いました✨

今回のテーマは 年賀状 でした!

年末年始には何をするか お話ししたり、年賀状を作ったりしました。


年賀状作りでは、シールやスタンプで可愛くデコレーションしました。皆さんの個性と気持ちが伝わる素敵な年賀状が出来ました^ ^届くのが楽しみですね!


25日は オンラインで行います!





~KyoTomorrow Academy 1月「日本語で話そう」~


2022年1月29日(土)13:30-15:30 対面

対象:京都で学ぶ留学生 各回20名(先着順)

Hello everyone🌞

On December 7th, we had a “Chat in Japanese” as an offline event!

This time, for the first time in about a year and a half, we had a face-to-face conversation✨.

The theme was how to spend New Year’s holiday and making New Year’s cards!

We talked about what we would like to do during the New Year’s holidays and made New Year’s cards in Japanese style. In our conversation, we introduced restaurants where we could eat food from the foreign students’ hometowns, which was really fun! I really want to go there.

In the New Year’s card making session, we decorated our cards with stickers and colorful stamps. We created wonderful New Year’s cards that have everyone’s warm greetings ^^

I’m looking forward to receiving or sending them!

In the next Chat in Japanese, we will have online Japanese confectionery making on December 25th (application closed now)! We are looking forward to having a special online event with making Japanese sweets!

Chat in Japanese will be held in January too. Please come and join us next year!

We look forward to seeing you at our event! Thank you.

KyoTomorrow Academy ”Chat in Japanese” by Japanese Students
Date& Time: Saturday 15th January 13:30-15:30 (Online)

            Saturday 29th January 13:30-15:30(Offline)

Target:International students studying in Kyoto, 20 students in each session

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us,

either call (81-75-353-9164) or via email (kyotomo@consortium.or.jp).

★KTA Report by Erina, KTA Student Support Staff★
