Kyoto Styudy

교토로의 유학을 생각하고 계신 분 교토에서 유학중이신 분

해외유학생용 소식

Satisfaction Survey for International Students


At STUDY KYOTO, we are conducting a survey geared towards all international students in Kyoto.
We will be asking what made them want to study in Kyoto, and about their student life here.

We will be doing this in an effort to make Kyoto a more attractive, and easier place for international students to live.
Please let us know your honest opinion!(Estimated time the survey will take: 5 minutes)

From among those who answer this survey, 30 participants will be drawn by lottery for a 1000 yen amazon gift card.

Deadline for survey: November 15, 2017 (Wed.)

Survey Page: From Here